
More Tips for Staying Emotionally Healthy

1. Make your bed.  It doesn’t have to be perfect, but just having it made will help.

2. Limit your alcohol and caffeine - caffeine is a stimulant and alcohol a depressant, we don’t need any  more anxiety or depression. Both can also disrupt sleep, in stressful times, we need our sleep.

3. Throw a pity party, but have a time limit - 5 -10 minutes and then write 5 things you are thankful for and then move - walk, (even in the house), climb your stairs till you are out of breath, do jumping jacks, something to get blood flowing.

4. Keep one area perfectly clean and use it as your happy place.

5. Light a scented candle. Smell can have a powerful effect on our mood.

6. Look at pictures of puppies and kitties.  Studies have shown that looking at small animals helps focus and concentration.  Psychology Today had an article the showed that just looking at a dog makes people smile.  We need smiles right now.

7. Make a list of  things you have overcome to remind you that you are resilient.

8. Before you go to bed each night - write down five things you did right that day.

9. Send letters or cards to people telling them you appreciate them. 

10. Find clean funny jokes and share them with friends and family.

11. Go for a drive and look at the spring flowers.

Remember this is temporary!